Spearfishing in the Great Lakes

Freshwater Spearfishing


Promoting sustainable, ethical, and responsible spearfishing in the Great Lakes Region.

Thanks to Johnathan Durtka, 2022 is the first year it’s legal to spear game fish in Michigan. We’ve been waiting for this day for a long time and thanks to Johnthan’s commitment and dedication, it’s here. This is new territory. There is a lot to learn. Our goal is to create a solid foundation of knowledge for the growth and development of spearfishing in the Midwest and Great Lakes Region.

There are new rules in place, a new (free) license required, and mandatory reporting is required. It’s your responsibility to learn the new regs before you dive. Since this season is in a trial period, anyone ignoring these rules will ruin the future of spearfishing in Michigan.

Where to Go Spearfishing

The Great Lakes are big. Where’s the best place to go spearfishing in Michigan? We won’t burn our spots, but we’re happy to provide a few tips on where to go spearfishing in Michigan and how to find fish to spear.


What Fish Can You Spear?

What does a drum look like and is it any good to eat? What types of fish can you spear and how many of them can you keep?

We can help. Learn what types of fish you can legally spear in Michigan.

Spearfishing Regulations

License, harvest reports, permits….what? The rules can be confusing, we’re here to help.

You’ll also find up-to-date information on current spearfishing regulations in Michigan.


How to Spearfish in Michigan

What gear do you need and why the heck do your ears feel like they’re going to burst when you’re diving?

Michigan Spearfishing


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